Fongyee Walker MW
Speciality | Wine |
From | China |
Company | Dragon Phoenix Wine Consulting |
Position | Co-Founder & Managing Director |
Fongyee began to study wine whilst at Cambridge reading Classical Chinese, and became captain of the University Blind Wine Tasting Team, leading them to victory in 2004. In 2007, she moved to Beijing, China and became the co-founder, with Edward Ragg MW, of Dragon Phoenix Wine Consulting. She is now a specialist wine educator and consultant in English and Mandarin., with Dragon Phoenix becoming one of China's most successful wine education companies. She also regularly judges, having been guest international judge for such shows as both regional and capital Australian wine shows, AWOCA (Wines of Chile), IWC and the South Africa Trophy Wine Show. Fongyee also has featured in the award-winning documentary Red Obsession, and starred in Wok ’n Wine 品尝中国, about wine matching with Chinese cuisines with more than 4 million viewers, as well as Carpe Vinum 意大利美酒之游, featuring the wine regions of Italy, as well as executive producing the documentary Waking the Sleeping Dragon whichshowed at the Venice Film Festival.