- 由全球葡萄酒和烈酒行業的權威人士設計和運營
- 「亞洲的選擇,亞洲的聲音」——被廣泛接受為亞洲優質葡萄酒和烈酒的指南

- 每年為亞洲貿易和消費者舉辦50多場年度展示活動
- 免費營銷工具包,以支持獲獎者的媒體活動、銷售和促銷

- 由亞洲頂級專家和KOL評鑑,當中包括買家、侍酒師、媒體等
- 獨創亞洲美食和美酒搭配類別,探討美酒與亞洲口味的搭配技巧
- 比賽的結果將被傳達給375,000名貿易和消費者
- 與全球媒體廣泛聯繫
- 獲獎酒會於多個展會出現
- 在比賽的重點活動——年度頒獎典禮,將有媒體、行業貴賓、公平參與者、貿易專員、總領事、政府官員和特邀嘉賓參加。
- “Winning a silver medal in the HKIWSC has truly helped my product to achieve international credibility regarding its taste. This has positively affected
decision making of several new merchants who now carry my product.”Kaustav BagchiOwner, Lamai Thai Spirits - “Louis Royer Cognac has been entering the Hong Kong International Wine & Spirit Competition for many years. This competition is regarded as the most respected in Asian countries. Winning an award is a high honour for our brand and a further seal of quality for our multi-award winning Cognac.”Carol FrugierMarketing and Communications Manager, Louis Royer Cognac
- “Adding to our success over the past few years at the HKIWSC, winning a trophy means so much to us as we have just recently entered the Chinese market with our brandies. The Chinese market is unique, which makes it even more exciting to know that Oude Molen VOV Brandy is well accepted.”Kobus GelderblomBrandy Master, Oude Molen Distillery
- “It is a great honour for us to receive this award and we are very thankful about the reputation from wine enthusiasts in China. This award is a testament to the fact that our white wines not only match the traditional Austrian food but also matches perfectly with the Asian cuisine.”Katja PflogschWinemaker, Domäne Wachau
- “To get recognition from such a prestigious panel is
vey rewarding indeed, and proves that our wines are made in a style that is truly food friendly. The HKIWSC has become one of the year’s most well-respected wine competitions globally. For us, the food match component is a fantastic chance to demonstrate how well our wines compliment so many different flavours. Moreover, it is a competition known and valued by our customers so a trophy can be hugely influential.””Susanna MayerWinemaker, Yealings - “Awards and medals at the HKIWSC have been like a stamp of approval to the quality of our wines. Because it is an Asian-focused competition, I know that my wines are being judged and measured by the same yardstick as all the other wines, given our viticultural conditions are quite unique compared with the rest of the world. These medals give me and, more importantly, my consumers the confidence that my wines stand apart from the competition.”Kalash GurnaniWinemaker, York Winery
- “We are very proud of our results. One of our key focuses is the Asian market, so we really want to make our wines special and desirable for this market. That’s why we want to enter this competition and be evaluated by the expert judging panel.”Sofia Cajewski Winemaker, Cremaschi Furlotti
- “We at Yealands Estate Wines are proud to be
recognized by the Hong Kong International Wine & Spirit Competition. Theorganization is held in the highest regard and our success in the competitions has become a strong voice for our quality around the globe.”Avram DeitchGlobal Marketing Manager, Yealands Wine Group - “Winning awards in reputable international wine shows such as the Cathay Pacific HKIWSC is one of the many ways of educating our consumers and giving them confidence in purchasing the Saint Clair brand. This enhances brand perception
increases sales across our entire portfolio of wines.”Maria EastonWinemaker, Saint Clair Family Estatean in turn